24 States
2777 Total SROs
16452985 Total Appointments
31717271 Documents Submitted
30322527 Documents Registered
# The data is extracted from respective state live IGR servers for the period of 01-01-2017 to 22-10-2024 at 00:00 Hrs.
5 States
1503 Total SROs
42302 Total Appointments
42467 Documents Submitted
42463 Documents Registered
# The data is submitted by respective state IGR Department (Data Entry Form)
Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan,Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare and Minister of Rural Development

Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan

Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare and Minister of Rural Development

Dr. Chandra Sekhar Pemmasani,Minister of State in the Ministry of Rural Development and Minister of State in the Ministry of Communications

Dr. Chandra Sekhar Pemmasani

Minister of State in the Ministry of Rural Development and Minister of State in the Ministry of Communications

Shri Kamlesh Paswan,Minister of State in the Ministry of Rural Development

Shri Kamlesh Paswan

Minister of State in the Ministry of Rural Development

Introduction to NGDRS

A project initiated by the Department of Land Resources, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India, the National Generic Document Registration System (NGDRS) is a common, generic and configurable application developed for registration departments across the country. The application is specifically designed for the use of sub registrars, citizens and apex users from registration departments. NGDRS facilitates states to create state specific instances and configure the software as per requirements. Offering a complete user interface for property and document registration, the application enables citizens to proceed with land buying online. They can find out the circle rate for land, calculate property valuation as per prevailing rates and understand the type of land.

Transactions of prohibited properties are restricted for sale like government land, tribal land,mortgaged land etc., is also available,which ultimately helps them decide where and what type of land they should buy. Thereafter, they can apply online for document submission, make instant payment and take prior appointments. Property buyers need to visit the sub-registrar’s office only once and that too at the time of final signing and registration. This entire workflow has not only proved to be beneficial for citizens but has also increased productivity of the department staff.